6 Results found for "en/queer liberation_wiktionary_en/sv".


duck queer fish queer in the head queerish queer ken queer liberation queerly queerness queer parade queerplatonic queer studies queer theory queer up there's...


Movement: Historical Record, 1830s to Mid-1940s‎[1], page 236: The national liberation movement had not yet developed to a sufficiently mass scale. 1989, Creighton...


emergence of uniquely African-American queer discourses is the refusal of African-American movements for liberation to address adequately issues of sexual...


Historical Dictionary of the Lesbian and Gay Liberation Movements (2013), p. 97 ^ Yetta Howard, Ugly Differences: Queer Female Sexuality in the Underground (2018)...


Chambers Dictionary of Etymology, s.v. “gay” (Edinburgh: Chambers Harrap, [2008], c1988), 425. ^ Stephan Cohen, The Gay Liberation Youth Movement in New York:...


devastating Earth and that could only offer further oppression in space, not liberation. (slang) A cigarette, particularly one containing tobacco instead of marijuana...